Thursday, August 04, 2005

Swimming in a spring

A nice spring flowed from the karst at Tham Jang. We swam in the cool waters during the afternoon heat. The current was quite strong, but we could swim up into the cave quite far. Locals came here to bath, but the water remained clean from the swift current.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes the current was surprisingly strong. We first got told of it off some middle-aged largish german woman and i thought she was exaggerating. I got swept away by it because I underestimated its power. Still, once I started swimming against it, it could be overcome. Emily also tried swimming against it much to the amusement of us lot and some local kids. I thought the poor lass was going to drown.

I went swimming in this cave pool with my iPod shuffle in my shorts (by accident of course). Still it worked once it dried out. it was a present so a huge sigh of relief was breathed when it started playing a few days later.

The weather was fantastic. I got sunburnt in the pool. eric and Emily went up to the cave but I couldn't be bothered. I've seen a few in Thailand so they are a bit passe now.

The next day I went for a massage with Emily. The massuese seemed to concentrate on my very sunburnt shoulders. Ouch!!! It wasn't good.